Hello ! I have info on Animorphs and Pokémon and I'm still building this page! Would you mind telling your friends about my Animorph and Pokémon page? And send me info on what you want to see here. When you're done looking (and laughing) at this page, click on the arrow at the bottom of this page. (This is a new page so PLEASE, PLEASE have mercy on this page!)Whoa! people have come to my page! Now, here's the deal, I'm behind on updates beacuase, 1) The Pokémon TV Show shows on Sunday not saturday where I live, 2) I don't have alot of time, 3) I'm making a new layout for the page since I know it's hard to go arouing my page already! So watch out for the new design! Oh e-mail me about a new name for the page, since I'm thinking abour renaming it.